ART TOUR: Image Reconstructed Exhibition | A cubic man walks a cubic mile
Art tour “Image Reconstructed” exhibition A CUBIC MAN WALKS A CUBIC MILE
Time: 15:00 - 16:00, Saturday, May 11 2024
Location: Vincom Center for Contemporary Art (VCCA), B1-R3, Vincom Mega Mall Royal City, 72A Nguyễn Trãi, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội
Art tour: Free admission. Registration required . Attendees are required to purchase tickets for the "Image Reconstructed" exhibition.
Exhibition admission tickets:
50,000VND - Adult
40,000VND - Student (Valid student ID is required)
40,000VND - Child (height under 1.3m)
Registration link: https://forms.gle/RrbGw1AFTstAdBFn7
* Limited slots available. Please register and complete your ticket reservation in advance to secure your participation.
Artist John Sloan noted in his work, "A slight attack of third dimentia [sic] brought on by excessive study of the much-talked of cubist pictures in the International Exhibition at New York.”
Together with educator Hương Mi Lê, we will embark on a "cubic mile" journey into the world of Cubism through the exhibition “Image
Reconstructed”. Starting with the theory of the fundamental visual elements in painting and the revolutionary acts that liberated artists from rigid traditional forms at the dawn of Modernism, the speaker will guide the audience through the exhibition in an effort to view the works from the perspective of the artists and history. From "a two- man art movement", Cubism and itscontemporary trends laid the foundation for, and continue to have a lasting influence on, Modern artin particular and abstract art in general. This influence remains relevant today and will continue inthe future — with its transformative power over how we perceive and represent the world.
Hương Mi Lê (Lê Hương Mi) is an educator, translator, author, creator and coordinator of many art and design programs - including the ca'talks series and the annual art appreciation course with CA' Library - Library of Architecture and Art. Mi has worked with units such as Vinschool, The Outpost Art Organisation, Omega+, Thái Hà Books, French Institute in Hanoi, Goethe Institutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, VCCA, Sunday Art Club, Pencil Philosophy, Noirfoto Darkroom-Studio-Gallery, Á Space, Người Đô Thị magazine, Phụ Nữ Mới magazine, etc. She is also a lecturer at Monster Lab Academy of Art & Design and the editor of the History of Graphic Design section of iDesign. In addition, Mi practices comprehensive art under the name mi-mimi.
(Event design using the image of the work “A slight attack of third dimentia [sic] brought on byexcessive study of the much-talked-of cubist pictures in the International Exhibition at New York”, John Sloan, April 1913).